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Call for Abstract

Abstract Submission Starts September 12, 2022.

Types of Presentations

Oral Abstract Sessions: This type of session includes 25-minute presentations of abstracts representing important clinical and translational research findings by topic category. Presenting authors should use PowerPoint slides to accompany their oral presentation. All speakers will participate in a question-and-answer panel in the session.

Panel Sessions: Panel Session typically consists of 5 panellists who provide foundational education on a specific topic. Novel science is put into appropriate context, including assessment of applicability to clinical practice and the need for further research. Presenting authors may or may not use PowerPoint slides to accompany their 60-90 minute discussion. All speakers will participate in a question-and-answer panel in the session.

Poster Sessions: Selected abstracts are grouped by topic and displayed on poster boards for 3 hours. The poster sessions will again include Trials in Progress abstracts within each track, designed to facilitate awareness of open, ongoing clinical trials in any phase. First authors should be available at their poster for a minimum of 2 hours to informally answer questions from meeting attendees.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

All types of drug discovery, delivery and development research are eligible for submission. The details below outline the requirements, policies, and guidelines for abstract submission to this year's Wnt & B-Catenin Summit.

Contact Information: Provide your full name, academic degree(s), institution, address, and email address. As the first author (presenting author), you will receive all future correspondence regarding the status of your abstract. The information provided upon submission must belong to the first author.

Abstract Title: The title should objectively describe the study. Do not refer to study results or conclusions.

Co-author(s): Provide the full name, academic degree(s), institution, address, email address, and disclosure information for each co-author.

Abstract Body/Table: The body of your abstract should describe the background, methods, results, and conclusions of your research. You may type your abstract directly into the text box, cut and paste from an existing document, or upload a text file of your abstract. Do not exceed 2,000 characters (approximately 300 to 350 words) for the total of your abstract title, body including section titles, and table. The character count does not include spaces or author names or institutions. One data table is permitted per abstract. The composition process does not enable shading or the merging of cells with centered text. Limit your table to no more than 10 rows and eliminate the need for shading or merged cells with centered text. Illustrations and figures are not permitted.

Topic Category: Select the most appropriate track. Please note that the advisory committee has the authority to recategorize an abstract.

Notifications & Withdrawals

The first author (presenting author) will receive an email acknowledging receipt of the abstract after completing a submission. The first author (presenting author) will receive a notification email from the program committee regarding its decision within two weeks of submission date. To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions to abstracts will not be accepted after the abstract submission deadline.

If a first author chooses to withdraw their abstract, he/she must send an email to

Presenter Instructions

Oral Abstract Presenter Guidelines

Oral Abstract Presenters play a critical role in the success of the Annual Meeting. To ensure a successful session, please review the guidelines outlined below.

Presentation Time: Oral Abstract Session and Symposium abstract presenters have 20 minutes to give their presentations. A 5-minute panel question and answer period will take place after each oral abstract session.

Multiple Presenters: Please designate 1 presenter; we do not allow multiple presenters. Please do not combine multiple presenter’s PowerPoint presentations into 1 file and submit it under 1 name.

Take-Home Points: Briefly summarize your key findings and state your conclusion—ensure that your conclusion is fully supported by the data in your presentation. If possible, provide recommendations or actions to help solidify your message.

PowerPoint Slide Format: All presentations will be in widescreen format. To take full advantage of this, we recommend that you build or convert your presentation to 16:9.

Poster Presenter Guidelines

When creating your poster, please be aware of the following guidelines.

Format of poster is LANDSCAPE (horizontal): Regular Poster Size Limitation is no larger than 47 inches high and 95 inches wide (120 cm high by 240 cm wide). This is the size of the poster board. Do NOT exceed the size of the poster board.

Charts, drawings, and illustrations should be similar to those you would use in making PowerPoint slides. If photographs are used, please have them processed with a matte or dull finish.

Contact Information: Please clearly print one email address on your poster for attendees to refer to should they have any questions or comments at a time when you are not standing with your poster. If you do not wish to print your own email address, please list another email address for an appropriate contact person for your abstract.

At the Meeting

Oral Presenters

Slide Upload and Review: Once onsite, presenters should review their presentation in the Presenter Ready Room no later than 2 hours prior to their scheduled presentation.

Multiple Presenters: Plan to arrive to your session room at least 15 minutes before the session start time. A computer monitor will be located in the podium for ease in viewing your slides while presenting.

Poster Presenters

The presenting author is required to be present during the scheduled poster session. You can hang your poster approximately 30 minutes before the Poster Session begins. Handouts of your poster may be available for distribution if you prefer. Remove your poster at the end of your scheduled session. If you do not remove your poster during the removal time, your poster will be automatically removed and will be discarded at the end of the Meeting.

For assistance please contact Mr. Sachin Sravan
+91 9160 331 607